HC Deb 20 November 1946 vol 430 cc837-8
27 and 28. Squadron-Leader Sir Gifford Fox

asked the Secretary of State for Air (1) the number of officers who have been re-employed in the R.A.F. during the war who had commuted part of their pensions while out of the Service; and how much was paid back by them as commutation of retired pay during the time they were re-employed;

(2) why officers re-employed in the R.A.F., who had commuted part of their pensions, have to pay back each year they are in the Service a certain proportion annually, depending on the amount commuted; and why, when they go back on to retired pay, they are still only pensioned at the commuted rate, although the State has gained to the value of the annual payment multiplied by the number of years re-employed.

Mr. de Freitas

I will, with permission, circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Sir G. Fox

Is a large amount of money involved?

Mr. de Freitas

I would like the hon. and gallant Member to read the reply I am circulating, and then put down a question if he wishes.

Following is the statement:

The principles involved in the commutation of Service retired pay are common to all the Services, and are enacted in the Pensions Commutation Acts, 1871 to 1882. This statutory provision is reflected in the regulations relating to the pay of retired officers re-employed in the Armed Forces during emergency, laid down in the case of the Royal Air Force in paragraph 3435A of King's Regulations and Air Council Instructions. Under these regulations certain officers who have been re-employed after retirement have received a 25 per cent. addition to their pay to make up for the fact that their retired pay was suspended, and that this further employment did not count for any increase in retired pay. An officer who has commuted his retired pay cannot, of course, have it suspended, and so he is not entitled to the full 25 per cent. addition. In view of this I do not feel justified in giving instructions for the production of the figures which the hon. and gallant Member requested in his first Question.

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