HC Deb 05 November 1946 vol 428 cc1207-8
39. Mrs. Braddock

asked the Minister of Labour the number of men, women and juveniles registered as unemployed in Liverpool on the latest available date, giving the trade classification in which they are registered.

Mr. Isaacs

I am having the figures extracted and will send them to my hon. Friend.

Mrs. Braddock

Cannot we have the figures given to us? If the Minister has the figures, I think I am entitled to have them.

Mr. Isaacs

I have not got the figures; I am having them got out, and will send them to the hon. Member. If there is a desire for us to do so, we will publish them in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mrs. Braddock

Is the Minister aware that it is now seven months since the first request for this classification was made, and can he say how long it will take to get the figures?

Mr. Isaacs

I hope to have the figures prepared by the end of this week.

Mr. York

Does that figure include the 9,000 unemployed cotton operatives?

Mr. Isaacs

I could not say until I have seen the figures.

Mr. Nally

Irrespective of what the figures may be, and on the assumption that they are still high, can we have a definite assurance that where these pockets of unemployment exist, whether in Liverpool, Cardiff, Manchester or Glasgow, in no case will the right hon. Gentleman's Department provide special labour facilities for football pools and that sort of thing?

Mr. Isaacs

I would hesitate to give an assurance on an assumption.

Sir Wavell Wakefield

When these figures are available, could they be printed in the OFFICIAL REPORT?

Mr. Isaacs

indicated assent.