HC Deb 22 May 1946 vol 423 cc330-1
54. Mr. Marples

asked the Minister of Food whether, in view of the recent cuts of the cheese ration in this country, he will consider importing more cheese from Italy.

Sir B. Smith

Italy is at present a net importer of milk products, but when cheese of a suitable type is available at reasonable prices I shall endeavour to procure it.

Mr. Marples

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that just before he announced a recent cut in the cheese ration in this country, the Italian Government took cheese entirely off the ration, and will he consult with the appropriate department or with the great all-round Leader of the House and see if he can arrange for some cheese to be imported into this country?

Sir B. Smith

I have already said in reply to the hon. Member that if the cheese is available and at reasonable prices I will be happy to procure it.

Mr. Marples

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the purpose of my supplementary question was to indicate to him that cheese is available?

Mr. Keeling

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether there is any objection to a particular kind of cheese being imported because the quantity of it available is not sufficient for distribution to everybody?

Sir B. Smith

Not at all. As may be known to the House, I have undertaken to import quite small quantities of Camembert cheese and Danish blue cheese, and I shall do all I can to get every kind imported into this country.