HC Deb 22 May 1946 vol 423 cc329-30
53. Mr. Lipson

asked the Minister of Food if he has considered the effect on the small trader of the 25 per cent cut in fat and sugar allocation to bakers and confectioners; and if he will consider fixing a minimum allocation, which shall not be subject to a cut, to enable the small trader at least to earn a living.

Sir B. Smith

As I announced on 2nd May, the cuts in fats and sugar to bakers are being made in order to reduce the output of flour confectionery, thereby reducing our consumption of flour. In view of the grave world shortage of wheat, I regret I cannot make any such modifications in the cuts as suggested by the hon. Member.

Mr. Lipson

Would not the right hon. Gentleman make the allocation on a fairer basis and have some regard to what is left to the small trader when a cut takes place? At present many of them are being driven out of business.

Sir B. Smith

I can assure the hon. Gentleman that that statement is entirely beside the truth. Neither I nor my Ministry know of any instance where any trader has closed up as a result of what my Ministry has done.

60. Mr. Erroll

asked the Minister of Food why he has reduced the allocation of fats and sugar to bakers; and whether this was done after prior consultation with them as to the best way of reducing flour consumption.

Sir B. Smith

As I announced on 2nd May, the allocation of fats and sugar to bakers has been reduced with a view to securing a reduction in the consumption of flour for cakes. Unfortunately the need to save flour became so pressing that on this occasion it was impossible for me to follow my usual custom of prior consultation with the Bakery Trade Associations.

Mr. Erroll

Does the Minister realise that this arbitrary action will in no way secure the object he has in mind, as bakers can alter their mixing to maintain the output of cakes, thus overcoming his attempts to reduce flour consumption?

Sir B. Smith

I am glad to be so advised by the hon. Member. On the other hand, I did write to these people and I am now getting their full cooperation