HC Deb 05 March 1946 vol 420 cc174-5
47 . Captain Blackburn

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that fundamental research on atomic energy in the universities has been delayed by lack of equipment such as radio and electronic stores and that such equipment is avail able in the form of surplus Government material; and whether he will ensure that all necessary equipment for such research is provided with the highest possible priority.

The Prime Minister

The Government are kept in touch with the needs of universities for surplus stores by the University Grants Committee. In addition, the Advisory Committee on Atomic Energy has recently set up a sub-committee, on which the universities working in this field are represented, to review the programme of nuclear physics to be carried out in this country as a whole. No representations have been made to that subcommittee regarding any delay due to lack of surplus Government material. It is certainly the intention of the Government that the needs of such research should be accorded the highest priority.

Mr. Clement Davies

Might I ask the Prime Minister whether all assistance in finance and material will be given to these scientists to enable them to get the best results from their research?

The Prime Minister

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Henry Usborne

Can the Prime Minister tell us where it is intended to carry out any experiments!

The Prime Minister

No, Sir.

Sir W. Smithers

Transport House.

48. Captain Blackburn

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that atomic research now proceeding in the U.S.A. is on a much greater scale than that contemplated in Britain; and whether he will in crease the block grant of £1,000,000 at present allocated for such research.

The Prime Minister

The programme of atomic research in this country is not limited by financial considerations, but by the numbers of trained scientists and the material resources available, especially in building and engineering equipment. Within these limits our programme of research is now being developed as rapidly as possible and expenditure on it for the year 1946–47 is estimated at approximately £2,800,000.

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