HC Deb 09 July 1946 vol 425 c207
4. Mr. Sidney Shephard

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that, as a consequence of the ammunition dumps located on the roadside between Granby and Sutton, Nottinghamshire, the road has been so cut up as to render it dangerous; and what steps he proposes to take to remove the ammunition and to repair the road.

Mr. Lawson

Fairly recent reports on the state of this road indicated that it was not in a dangerous condition. If it is considered that the whole or part of the cost of repairs should be borne by the War Department, an application by the local authority concerned will be considered by the Claims Commission at the War Office. I regret that it is not yet possible to say when the ammunition along this road can be removed. The clearance of the large field storage depots, of which these dumps are only a small part, will necessarily take a long time.

Mr. Shephard

Is the Minister aware that these dumps are really on the roadside and that the people have to walk in the roads, which are in very bad condition, as is testified by all the local inhabitants, and is there anything he can do to remove the dumps, which are a perpetual cause of inconvenience?

Mr. Lawson

I have taken note of the fact that they are on the verge and I will do all I can about it, but it is a very difficult situation in view of the large amount of ammunition concerned.