HC Deb 28 February 1946 vol 419 cc2076-7
2. Mr. G. Thomas

asked the Minister of Education in how many cases of applications for grants under the Further Education Scheme made by ex-soldier students at the University College of Cardiff was the file mislaid or lost in her Department; and for how long.

Miss Wilkinson

I have no statistical record of this, but if my hon. Friend knows of particular cases, I shall be glad to investigate them.

3. Mr. G. Thomas

asked the Minister of Education if she is aware that some 60 students who entered Cardiff University College last September under the Further Education Scheme are still awaiting the personal allowances awarded them last year; and if she has any explanation for this delay.

Miss Wilkinson

My Department has announced awards of personal allowances to 37 students at the University College of Cardiff. I understand that payment has recently been made in 33 of these cases. In the other four cases we are awaiting the certificates of attendance from the College, which are our authority to pay. The delay in assessing awards and making payment has been due to insufficiency of clerical staff to deal with the large volume of work. I am glad to say that the situation is improving.

Mr. Thomas

Is the Minister aware that there is extreme dissatisfaction over the continued instances of delay, even when Members have been assured, as I have been, that payment has been made, and no such thing has taken place, as I can assure the right hon. Lady; and that these students in the University of Cardiff are now being joined by students of other colleges in Wales where they find the possibility of continuing their training is in jeopardy?

Miss Wilkinson

I will deal with any particular case that the hon. Gentleman puts before me. I have known some cases of people complaining bitterly that they have not had awards, even when they have forgotten to make application for them. We have had to deal with over 10,000 applications, of which 8,000 have come in since the beginning of the autumn term. Now, with the big rush of Class B releases, it is even more difficult, but we are pressing on as fast as we can.

Mr. David Williams

Does the right hon. Lady appreciate that many of these students are married, and that their families have received no income of any kind for several weeks; and will she attend to this matter as one of urgency?

Miss Wilkinson

There is no need to urge me. This is one of the things about which I am very much concerned, and in order to deal with it we have recently considerably increased the staff.

Mr. Stephen

Can the right hon. Lady consider allocating to the schools those who have been accepted, so that they can put in a certain amount of training, and giving them their allowances while so allocated?

Miss Wilkinson

That question really relates to the first Question put by the hon. Gentleman the Member for Cardiff Central (Mr. G. Thomas) and I have already explained that we are working out a scheme on that basis. This has nothing to do with these awards