HC Deb 16 April 1946 vol 421 cc2483-4
9. Mr. Champion

asked the Minister of Works if he will install a microphone on the Table for the benefit of those hon. Members who cannot at present hear replies to questions by Ministers who read down towards the Despatch Box.

Mr. Tomlinson

For technical reasons, a microphone on the Table would not be practicable, but some improvement might be effected in the reception of answers made by Ministers by altering the position of the microphone nearest the Despatch Box, and experiments will he carried out during the Easter Recess.

Mr. Champion

Is the Minister aware that this Question is not directed towards him?

Mr. W. J. Brown

May I ask whether something can be done not merely to— [HON. MEMBERS: Speak up."] —improve the audibility of the replies from the Front Bench but also substantially to improve the character of them?

Mr. Tomlinson

That is not a matter for the microphones.