HC Deb 08 April 1946 vol 421 c1622
16 and 17. Sir W. Smithers

asked the Minister of Supply (1) how many rooms are occupied by his Department at Clydesdale House, 27, Turner Street, Manchester 4; how many men are there employed; what are their duties; and what is the cost per week;

(2) whether he is aware that a tenant in 27, Turner Street, Manchester 4, has received a demand for an increase of rent and services of£380 per annum and/or six months' notice to quit; and if his Department has received similar notice for rooms in this house.

Mr. Wilmot

Five large rooms in this building are at present requisitioned for my Ministry by the Ministry of Works, who tell me that no notices to quit or to increase the rent have been served on them and that they do not know of any such notices having been served on any other tenant in the building. These five rooms are used for the storage of medical supplies awaiting shipment by U.N.R.R.A. A storeholder, five labourers and four watchmen are employed. It would be contrary to established practice to disclose details of our contract with the firm managing the depot.

Sir W. Smithers

Is it not a fact that these men employed there are really doing nothing at all? Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that the premises are urgently required for business purposes? In view of the fact that an increase in rent has been demanded, will he find out why there is this differentiation between Government Departments and private enterprise? May I have an answer to that question?

Hon. Members


Mr. W. Shepherd

Would the right how Gentleman say why it is necessary to have four watchmen permanently employed in looking after five rooms?