HC Deb 24 October 1945 vol 414 c1996
15. Lieut.-Colonel Wheatley

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is satisfied that there is sufficient provision in African Colonies, where the system of indirect rule prevails, for the adequate representation of educated Africans on native councils.

Mr. George Hall

It has long been and still is the policy of African Governments to encourage native administrations to include increasing numbers of educated men on their councils and staffs. Progress has been made in both West and East Africa, but the process must go much further if native administrations are to take their proper share in promoting the social, economic and political development of the African territories. The Governments concerned can be assured of my full support in their efforts to secure increasing participation by educated Africans in the system of indirect rule.

Lieut.-Colonel Wheatley

Will the Minister see that the products of the small local schools are given an equal chance and are not frowned upon when they want to join these native councils?

Mr. Hall

We are doing what we can in this matter.