HC Deb 26 November 1945 vol 416 c875
15. Mr. Sparks

asked the Minister of War Transport the number of accidents.

Statement showing number of accidents, fatal and otherwise, to members of the public whilst travelling on railways in Great Britain, together with number of passenger journeys and passenger-miles (millions) per casualty, and number of passenger train-miles run for the years 1938 to 1944 and for the first 10 months of 1945.

(NOTE:—Only serious injuries were reported by the Companies after 1st September, 1939; the figures for injuries, therefore, before and after this date are not comparable).

Year Train Accidents. Movement Accidents.* Passenger journeys originating, including season ticket holders. Passenger journeys (millions) per casualty. Train and Movement Accidents. Passenger Train Miles. Estimated Passenger Miles. Passenger-Miles (millions) per casualty.
Killed. Injured Killed. Injured Millions. Killed. Injured. Millions. Millions. Killed. Injured.
1938 11 533 58 4,990 1,729 25 0.3 319 21,192 307 4
1939 9 795 78 3,328 1,575 18 0.4 287 not available
1940 40 46 100 209 1,332 10 5 227
1941 50 62 104 209 1,369 9 5 227
1942 27 38 113 253 1,652 12 6 229
!943 4 6 145 255 1,824 12 7 230 34,767 233 133
1944 12 33 119 215 1,854 14 7 227 34,592 264 139
1st Jan. to 31st October, 1945 (Provisional figures). 46† 116† 48 97 1,631 2 8 202 not available
*Movement accidents arc caused by, or connected with, the movement of railway vehicles, exclusive of train accidents.
†Includes Bourne End derailment, 30.9.45.