HC Deb 21 March 1945 vol 409 cc795-6
31. Mr. Arthur Duckworth

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether there is any necessity for the low flying and power diving that is constantly carried out over the town of Shrewsbury by fighter aircraft, particularly, around midday; and whether he will take the necessary steps to prevent this form of practice flying over the town in future.

Sir A. Sinclair

Only one complaint of low flying in this vicinity has been received during the last six months. This does not suggest that the instructions with regard to low flying are being disregarded, but I will arrange for the units in the neighbourhood to be reminded of the need for observing them.

Mr. Duckworth

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that I am constantly receiving complaints? Has he any control over or influence with those responsible for carrying out the training of the Air Forces of our Allies,

Sir A. Sinclair

Those responsible for carrying out the training and arranging the flights are most anxious to co-operate and are most forthcoming if we make any representations to them. I am taking advantage of the hon. Member's Question to bring these considerations to the notice of units in the vicinity.