HC Deb 20 March 1945 vol 409 cc637-8
63. Flight-Lieutenant Teeling

asked the Secretary of State for War whether it will be possible to provide clothing for the French F.F.I. now serving against the Germans on the Atlantic front, since they are using German uniforms captured from prisoners and are in many cases almost in rags; and whether some of our troops, stood down or invalided out, can he asked to volunteer shirts, greatcoats, etc., to help these gallant fighters.

Sir J. Grigg

These are French troops, and their clothing is primarily a matter for the Frenoh Government. Consider- able quantities of clothing have, however, been despatched to this Government, and it is likely that these troops are receiving some. Men discharged from the Army keep one pair of boots and their underclothing. Their other clothing is reconditioned, and then put back into stock.

Flight-Lieutenant Teeling

Is it not possible that a number of officers and men have secondary uniforms of their own; and would it not be possible to allow these to be given back voluntarily to the War Office, for the F.F.I. and other people serving on the Atlantic front, who, quite honestly, from reports of people who have seen them in the last few days, are seriously short of any form of clothing whatsoever?

Sir J. Grigg

I think that if the hon. and gallant Member knew the amount of clothing that we are supplying to the French Government he would feel that we are doing the best we can.

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