HC Deb 20 March 1945 vol 409 cc608-9
11. Mrs. Hardie

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will reconsider his decision not to grant local authorities priority dockets for blankets to be issued to expectant mothers who are to be confined at home and who require blankets, as clean blankets are essential to ensure hygienic conditions.

Mr. Dalton

I regret that, in view of the very heavy Service demands on the very limited output of blankets, I cannot at present see my way to adopt my hon. Friend's suggestion.

Mrs. Hardie

Is my right hon. Friend aware that this request was made by the Health Department of the Glasgow Corporation, who only asked to have blankets in cases of real necessity? There is a shortage of accommodation in hospitals for mothers in Glasgow and they have to be confined at home under very poor conditions. It is reasonable that they should be able to secure clean blankets as well as sheets.

Mr. Dalton

I am most anxious to help my hon. Friend and the cases that she has in mind. But at present 80 per cent. of blanket production is still going to the Services and, in the conditions of active service, the need for blankets is very great and the wastage and destruction are very considerable. There is a very good deal still available in the shops without dockets.

Mrs. Hardie

These women cannot go round looking for blankets in shops. All we ask is that they should get priority dockets.

Mr. Dalton

I am very sympathetic to the claim but at present it is arithmetically impossible to meet it.

Mr. Woodburn

Will my right hon. Friend investigate the possibility of obtaining blankets which have been set free from Civil Defence?

Mr. Dalton

I shall be glad to consider that but there is some exaggeration about it.

Sir Joseph Nall

Does the right hon. Gentleman appreciate that, where a thing is in unduly short supply, freedom of purchase is the last thing that should be allowed? Why should he not allow some priority in the case of the articles the hon. Lady has mentioned?

Mr. Dalton

I am glad to have the hon. Member's support for increased stringency of control.