HC Deb 31 January 1945 vol 407 c1455
56. Mr. Stourton

asked the Minister of Food if he proposes to act on the motion passed by the National Federation of Meat Traders' Association at its annual conference held recently in London, urging the Ministry to revoke the Poultry and Rabbits (Maximum Prices) Orders, as a measure to release the grip of the black market on the trade.

Colonel Llewellin

No, Sir.

Mr. Stourton

Is my right hon. Friend aware that, at the conference referred to, representing 45,000 butchers, it was alleged, and not denied, that practically 100 per cent. of English poultry goes through the black market? Is he also aware that I can give him the name of the proprietor of a chain of 35 shops in London who has not sold a single head of English poultry since these Orders were made? And will he state why he persists in his obstinate attitude in face of this evidence from the trade?

Colonel Llewellin

What I was asked to do was to repeal the Maximum Prices Order for poultry, and my answer was that I did not intend to do it. There is a small black market in poultry, as I told my hon. Friend before, and it is not nearly as large as he makes out. We try to investigate every case we hear of, and we prosecute where we can.

Mr. Stourton

Is not the Minister aware that what he has said to me now is flying in the face of all the evidence from the trade? Owing to the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I will raise this matter on the Adjournment.