HC Deb 23 January 1945 vol 407 cc617-9
2. Mr. De la Bère

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he can now make some announcement as to the steps to be taken to protect ex-Servicemen who contemplate acquiring small shops as a means of livelihood, from unscrupulous sellers who have seldom carried on legitimate business for any length of time; and whether he will give an assurance that official advice is always available to ex-Servicemen and others who apply for it.

Mr. Dalton

I have asked local licensing committees not to grant licences on a change of ownership, unless they are satisfied that there is a genuine goodwill attaching to the business. This will, I hope, go far to protect ex-Servicemen from being exploited in the manner suggested by my hon. Friend. I am anxious to do everything possible to assist ex-Servicemen, and, although the question of whether or not the purchase of a particular business is a sound commercial proposition is a matter for trade or professional, rather than official, advice, I am in touch on this question with my right hon. Friend the Minister of Labour who is specially concerned with the resettlement of ex-Servicemen in civilian life.

Mr. De la Bère

Will the right hon. Gentleman see that the Press give full publicity to the matter, as it will undoubtedly prevent a number of these undesirable transactions?

Mr. Dalton

I will do my best to give the fullest publicity to all that we are doing to endeavour to prevent people who have been defending the country overseas being fleeced by those who have stayed at home.

Mr. Shinwell

In view of the large number of serving men who have been writing to Members and seem inclined to set up in business for themselves after the war, would my right hon. Friend, in addition to what he has promised in conjunction with the Minister of Labour, advise serving men by whatever publicity is available to him that the Board of Trade will offer what guidance they can?

Mr. Dalton

I repeat that I will do my best, but the Board of Trade cannot fulfil the functions of solicitor and business adviser to people. It would be wrong for us to try to do so. We are not equipped for that work, but we will do our best. With the further object of assisting serving men, I have invited the British Legion to put a representative on each of the local licensing committees that are dealing with these matters

Vice-Admiral Taylor

Will special consideration be given to the wives of serving men who desire to re-establish their small businesses?

Mr. Dalton

Certainly, we will do our best.

Mr. Gallacher

Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that, while we continue to tolerate capitalism, the ex-Serviceman will be robbed?