HC Deb 15 February 1945 vol 408 cc386-7
27. Mr. Kenneth Lindsay

asked the Minister of Education whether he is aware of the closing down of war-time nurseries in many places; and what steps are being taken to retain the staff pending the fuller development of nursery schools and classes under the control of local education authorities.

Mr. Butler

Yes, Sir, I am aware that some war-time nurseries have been closed, and that further closures may be expected. I hope that in many cases, where the site and premises are suitable, these nurseries will be transferred to the local education authorities as nursery schools, or possibly as nursery classes, and that the appropriate members of the staff will go with them.

Mr. Lindsay

The right hon. Gentleman says he hopes many of these people will receive training; is he aware that some have already gone into clerical work? Could there not be some continuity between their previous work and their training?

Mr. Butler

I have made inquiries and my information is not quite similar to that of the hon. Member. In many cases redundant staff are employed in filling vacancies in continuing war-time and residential nurseries. But I will certainly watch the position.

28. Mr. Lindsay

asked the Minister of Education what provision he has made for the training of nursery school teachers in emergency centres, in order to prepare for the expansion of nursery schools as foreshadowed in the Education Act.

Mr. Butler

Courses will be provided under the Emergency Teacher Training Scheme preparing students for work in nursery as well as in other schools. Two colleges will be opened within the next two or three months which will include provision for such courses, and further provision will be made as and when women can be released from essential war work in order to train for teaching.

Mr. Lindsay

Could not a number of these young women who have been engaged in war nurseries go to training centres immediately? Is it not a question, not of getting fresh people but of retraining those who have had three months' courses?

Mr. Butler

The number of war nurseries that have been closed is only a few since last September. I do not know that there would be enough to fill a training course.