HC Deb 12 December 1945 vol 417 c396
78. Mr. Gallacher

asked the Under secretary of State for Air if he has considered the letter, forwarded to him by the hon. Member for West Fife, from the mother of a pilot in the R.A.F. flying Dakotas in Indonesia; if he is aware that this pilot volunteered for service in the R.A.F. and has been on active service in the Middle East, India and Burma; that this mother has strong objection to her son being used to defend Dutch imperialism; and what steps he is taking to bring to an end the use of the R.A.F. against the Indonesian people.

Mr. Strachey

yes, Sir, I have read this letter. My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in the course of his speech on 23rd November, stated the purpose for which British Forces are employed in Java.

Mr. Gallacher

is the Minister not aware that this lad was called up on the ground that his job was to fight for freedom, and that it is certainty out of the question that he should be used to fight against Indonesian freedom? Would not the Minister bring this lad and other lads home, and leave the Dutch to settle their differences with the Indonesians?

Mr. Strachey

The Royal Air Force are having to do a very unpleasant task.