HC Deb 12 April 1945 vol 409 cc1960-1
11. Mr. Leslie

asked the Minister of Health.what results attended the enquiry his inspector held in connection with the proposed acquisition of land by the Malton rural district council for sites for agricultural workers' cottages at Bulmer and Thornton-le-Clay; whether the sites have been since procured and, if so, at what price; and what was their rateable value.

Mr. Willink

After the public local inquiry in August, 1943, Malton rural district council purchased a site of about 1½ acres at Bulmer for £150, and a site of about a of an acre at Thornton-le-Clay for £40. In both cases the land was derated.

12. Mr. Leslie

asked the Minister of Health whether he has approved the proposal of the Taunton Town Council to appropriate the Cheddon Road playing fields for housing purposes subject to the acquisition of other land for playing fields; and what area of land has been so acquired and at what price.

Mr. Willink

I can approve the appropriation of these playing fields only if the land proposed to be given in exchange is equally advantageous to the public. I have not yet received particulars of the exchange land.

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