HC Deb 25 October 1944 vol 404 c161
41. Captain Duncan

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what profits have been derived by the Government of Uganda from the war-time control of cotton and coffee; and how he proposes to dispose of them.

Colonel Stanley

The estimated profit from the controlled marketing of cotton amounts to not less than £2,400,000 in respect of the crop years 1942–43 and 1943–44. The profits of hard coffee control to 31st May, 1944, amounted to £119,461. The general intention is that these profits should be expended for the benefit of the areas in which the production takes place, and the Governor has set up a Committee, which, after consultation with all interests concerned in growing, processing and marketing, will recommend, in order of priority and in broad outline, the objects for which the funds accumulated should be used.

Captain Duncan

Will my right hon. and gallant Friend bear in mind the large grants made from the Colonial Development Fund in relation to this large amount which is available for spending on the Colony?

Colonel Stanley


Mr. Shinwell

Will the right hon. and gallant Gentleman, when making a speech on political matters in future, take note of the benefits of State enterprise?

Colonel Stanley

Under rather exceptional conditions of monopolistic trading, due to the war.