HC Deb 05 October 1944 vol 403 cc1272-3
The Solicitor-General

I beg to move, in page 30, line 6, to leave out from the beginning, to "the," in line 8, and to insert: (3) The provisions of the Schedule (Procedure for dealing with objections) to this Act shall have effect in relation to the making of an Order on the representation if any objection, thereto is duly made and subject to those provisions in a case in which they have effect. This again applies to the provisions of the Schedule for dealing with objections and is in the form which has been seen before by the Committee.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made: In page 30, line 10, leave out Sub-section (4).

In line 23, at end, add: The provisions of Section thirteen of this Act as to the validity and date of operation of orders shall apply to an order made under this Section as they apply to such an order as is mentioned in the said Section thirteen."—[The Solicitor-General.]

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.