HC Deb 23 May 1944 vol 400 cc563-4
32. Captain Strickland

asked the President of the Board of Trade, in view of the number of foot accidents in engineering and other works caused by non-provision of properly constructed safety boots, if he can indicate the result of the steps taken to secure a better supply of this necessary production.

Mr. Dalton

The production of safety boots of the ordinary type has been substantially increased, but miners must have priority in the allocation of supplies since they are exposed to exceptional risk of foot accidents. I have, however, been able to arrange, in addition, for the production of a considerable quantity of safety boots of a lighter type for use by other industrial workers. Factory inspectors will issue certificates for these, in the light of their knowledge of local conditions and needs.

Captain Strickland

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the boot which is issued to heavy industries is not constructed so as to prevent accidents happening? Is not the foot of a worker in the heavy industries, as valuable as the foot of a miner?

Mr. Dalton

It is not a question of the value of a foot, but of feet being dropped upon by heavy objects. The foot accident rate for miners is ten times as great as that for the general body of industrial workers.

43. Captain Strickland

asked the Minister of Labour whether he has any figures showing the number of foot accidents due to the non-availability of adequate safety boots to the workers in the heavy trades not connected with coalmining; and what steps he is taking to meet this danger.

The Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour (Mr. McCorquodale)

Figures showing the number of foot accidents due to the non-availability of safety boots to workers in heavy trades are not available. My right hon. Friend is anxious that all possible steps should be taken to increase the supply of safety boots for these and other workers and is in consultation on this matter with the President of the Board of Trade.

Captain Strickland

Is my hon. Friend aware of the inadequacy of the safety boots at present being issued in these trades?

Mr. McCorquodale

They are the best that can be obtained.