HC Deb 10 May 1944 vol 399 c1890
25. Mr. John Dugdale

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has yet received the report of the Franchise Commissions in British Guiana and Trinidad; and, if so, what action he proposes to take on it.

Colonel Stanley

I have received the report of the Trinidad Franchise Committee and hope shortly to discuss it with the Governor, who is now in this country. I have also received the main report of the British Guiana Franchise Commission, but I understand that some members propose to make reservations about certain sections of the report and these have not yet ben received. I am therefore not yet in a position to make a statement.

Mr. Dugdale

Cannot any of these re-pods be placed in the Library?

Colonel Stanley

I will see what can be done.

Mr. John Wilmot

In view of the very considerable delay which has taken place in the case of British Guiana, will my right hon. and gallant Friend see to it that waiting on these reservations does not unduly hold up action on the whole matter?

Colonel Stanley

Of course, when a large number of people, especially representing one community, have these reservations to make, it would be inappropriate to act before we have got them.

Mr. Wilmot

Will the right hon. and gallant Gentleman bear in mind that the delay in forwarding these reservations may be a device to hold up any action of any kind?