HC Deb 03 May 1944 vol 399 cc1321-2
51. Major Lloyd

asked the Minister of Food the number of shops selling articles of food which have been opened in Scotland by the co-operative societies and other firms controlling multiple shops since the outbreak of war; and how many of these are in premises previously occupied by private firms.

Colonel Llewellin

The figures asked for can only be obtained by reference to food office records. I am arranging for this to be done and will communicate later with my hon. and gallant Friend.

Mr. Doland

Will my right hon. and gallant Friend supply similar figures for England at the same time?

Colonel Llewellin

Certainly. This Question referred only to Scottish figures, but when the figures for England are available, I will inform my hon. Friend and perhaps he will then put down a Question.

Mr. Mathers

Could the Minister include a note of the number of co-operative societies' shops which have been closed down?

Colonel Llewellin

Yes, if such figures are available.

Lieut.-Commander Hutchison

Can all these figures be circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT?

Colonel Llewellin

That is what I was proposing to do. I will let the hon. Member who put the original Question know when I have the information, and he can put down another Question.