HC Deb 20 June 1944 vol 401 c23
46. Mr. Edgar Granville

asked the Prime Minister, if, in order to secure the closest understanding and co-operation between the United Nations on the military and political offensive and the occupation of Germany, he will suggest the setting up of an allied council to include the representatives of the French National Committee of Liberation.

The Prime Minister

No, Sir. I remain of the opinion that no alteration in the existing machinery of consultation between the United Nations is called for at present.

Mr. Granville

Does not the Prime Minister envisage that such a body will have to be set up at some time or other to deal with problems of reconstruction and so on, and does the right hon. Gentleman not think that it would be better to set it up sooner rather than later so as to eliminate some of the differences?

Mr. Churchill

I do not think it is possible to make any change now.

Mr. Granville

Will the right hon. Gentleman give his attention to that part of the Question which refers to Allied propaganda to occupied Europe, which certainly ought to be co-ordinated with military events?

Mr. Graham White

Is it not the case that we have already in being a number of conferences, as, for example, the one presided over by the President of the Board of Education, in which representatives of the French Committee of National Liberation take their part in the ordinary way?

The Prime Minister

Yes, Sir, that is so.