HC Deb 06 June 1944 vol 400 cc1195-6
37. Mr. James Griffiths

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what steps are being taken by his Department to secure the post-war development of by-product industries, based on coal, in particular the production of oil; and what special research work on these lines is being undertaken by his Department.

The Minister of Fuel and Power (Major Lloyd George)

The possibility of the development of coal by-products, including oil, is being actively studied by my Ministry in co-operation with other Departments. I attach the greatest importance to the subjects to which my hon. Friend refers. The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research is the department responsible for research in this field and it is continuing such investigation as war-time conditions permit in association with the research organisations of the industries concerned.

Mr. J. Griffiths

May I ask the Minister whether he proposes to publish any reports from this Committee?

Major Lloyd George

I could not say without notice.

Mr. J. J. Lawson

Is the Minister aware that this matter has been receiving consideration for many years now; that we have made practically no progress in it; and that the Germans are saying that they receive one half of their present supplies from these by-products; and will the right hon. and gallant Gentleman see to it that the Government give, at last, serious attention to this matter?

Major Lloyd George

The hon. Member will appreciate that, during the war, it is not easy to enter into new developments of that character, but the war itself has led to developments and we have made remarkable progress.