HC Deb 05 July 1944 vol 401 cc1146-7
33. Mr. Riley

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Government of Mauritius has submitted to him any schemes for development under the Colonial Development and Welfare Act of 1940; if so, what are the kind of schemes; whether they have been approved and the finance involved.

Colonel Stanley

Four schemes have been approved for Mauritius covering antimalarial measures, a census, the erection of a factory for the production of food yeast and fisheries research involving a total estimated expenditure of £23,650. Other proposals covering agricultural, educational and medical services are now under consideration.

Mr. Riley

Can the Minister say whether these schemes have been approved by him?

Colonel Stanley

My answer states that the schemes have been approved.

Mr. Shinwell

Does the Minister think that the contemplated development in Mauritius, costing £23,000, and developments in Nyasaland, can all be met out of the meagre sums at his disposal?

Colonel Stanley

No, Sir, I have several times stated in this House that I do not regard this as sufficient, and I hope hon. Members, including my hon. Friend opposite, will take the same view.

Mr. Shinwell

Yes, but if that is my right hon. Friend's view, why does he not make representations to the Chancellor to get more money for these very necessary developments?

Colonel Stanley

Because, at the moment, my difficulty is, with the shortage of labour and materials, to spend even the money I have got.

Mr. Shinwell

Why not for the future?

Colonel Stanley

I am looking after that.