§ Mr. Leslie (Sedgefield)I beg to move, in page 8, line 43, to leave out "fifty," and to insert "one hundred."
Under this Clause, the fine payable is not to exceed £50. I do not suppose for one moment that if a small trader were before the court he would be fined the maximum of £50. Generally, the fine would be much less. But let me tell the Committee of my experience after the last war. I had to negotiate a large number of cases relating to men who held responsible positions before they joined the Army, some as buyers, some as shop-walkers, and some as managers. During the war the firms had been reorganised, and they appointed women, at a lower wage, to take the places of these men. When the men came back they failed to get reinstatement. For such firms I think the punishment ought to fit the crime. A fine of £50 is too little for wealthy firms to pay when they fail to reinstate men who have risked life and limb on their behalf.
§ Mr. Bellenger (Bassetlaw)I would like to support my hon. Friend by giving 580 another illustration. It may be that some members of the Forces returning after the war will have been in a more substantial form of employment than that of the manual workers to whom reference has been made. Men who have worked for several years with a firm may have been in receipt of substantial salaries when they left to join the Forces. In such cases paying £50 might be a cheap way for the employer to rid himself of liability. I hope that that illustration will add weight to the argument put forward by my hon. Friend.
§ Mr. McCorquodaleWe have two precedents here. The sum of £50 has been lifted out of our Armed Forces Act, 1939. The Disabled Persons (Employment) Bill, which the House passed recently, provided a penalty of £100 for certain offences of much the same type. If the Committee wish £100 to be inserted, instead of £50, we should have no objection, and I would not oppose the Amendment.
§ Amendment agreed to.
§ Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.
§ Clauses 12 to 15 ordered to stand part of the Bill.