§ 57. Mr. Dribergasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he is keeping under observation the pro-Fascist organisation known as "Friends of Spain," formerly "Friends of National Spain"; and if he is in possession of a complete list of its present and former members, in case of any risk of assistance to the enemy or obstruction of the Allied war effort through their activities.
§ Mr. H. MorrisonThis organisation has been inactive since the outbreak of war and I have no reason to suppose that there is any danger of its helping the enemy or hindering the Allies. The hon. Member may rest assured, however, that I shall not lose sight of it.
§ Captain Alan GrahamDoes not the right hon. Gentleman consider that the description "pro-Fascist" is very misleading and that because one is an anti-Red, one need not necessarily be pro-Fascist?
§ Mr. DribergIs it not interesting to note the readiness with which some hon. 1399 Members always seize the opportunity to identify themselves with the cause of the enemy?
§ Captain GrahamOn a point of Order. May I ask your protection, Mr. Speaker, against the implication which has been made against me by the hon. Member opposite?
§ Mr. SpeakerThere is so much noise going on that I really cannot hear. I do not think that the hon. and gallant Member wants my protection; I rather think that he put a provocative question.