HC Deb 02 February 1944 vol 396 cc1271-2
53. Mr. Pickthorn

asked the Minister of Food under what statutory authority he has included in the Emergency Powers (Defence) Food (Restriction on Dealings) Regulation (S.R. & O., No. 1769, of 1943) paragraph 4, subjecting the provisions of the Order to any directions given by him; and if he will give an undertaking that any such directions shall be published and presented to Parliament.

Colonel Llewellin

The authority is Regulation 55; the directions may be either general in which case they are printed and published as statutory rules and orders or they may, in rare cases, be individual, in which case they are served on the individual concerned.

Mr. Pickthorn

Is it not a fact that paragraph 4 is putting the whole of this great nation under emergency administrative authorisation, without any possibility of Parliamentary attention?

Colonel Llewellin

No, Sir. In practice, any general direction given under it is issued in exactly the same way as the Order itself was issued. It is laid on the Table and treated as a Statutory Rule and Order.