HC Deb 22 September 1943 vol 392 cc187-9
30. Mr. Edmund Harvey

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has received information as to the losses to their luggage by theft or pilfering sustained by the Jewish refugees detained on the ss. "Patria" at Haifa while the luggage was in official custody during its salvaging from the vessel or its transport to the internment camp; and whether he will follow the precedent in the case of similar losses on the ss. "Dunera" and arrange for either compensation or, at least, an ex gratia payment to be given to those who have suffered in this way?

Mr. Emrys-Evans

The case of the "Patria" is not analogous with that of the "Dunera." The property of those on board the "Patria" was not at all times in charge of the Government, and, while the records show that some pilfering on the part of labourers and others took place, leading to prosecution and conviction in five cases, my right hon. and gallant Friend is satisfied that every practicable effort was made by the officials concerned to safeguard the property during such time as it was in official custody; and there was no specific evidence that loss or damage was incurred during that period. The Commission of Inquiry into the loss of the vessel reported at the time that the loss was the result of sabotage; and my right hon. and gallant Friend does not regard the circumstances under which the property in so far as it came under official charge did so contrary to the desire of the Palestine Government, as justifying any ex-gratia payment.

Mr. Harvey

Was not the salvage of the vessel undertaken by the Palestine Government, and did not the pilfering take place during that period of salvage, and does not that involve a moral obligation on the Palestine Government?

Mr. Emrys-Evans

I understand that the pilfering did take place after the vessel sank, but I do not know whether it actually took place during the time in which the Palestine Government were in charge.

Mr. Harvey

Will my hon. Friend look into that point and make further inquiries as to whether or no the pilfering took place during the salvage?

Mr. Emrys-Evans

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Astor

Did the Commission of Inquiry give any indication who was responsible for the sabotage?

Mr. Emrys-Evans

Yes, Sir, it is believed that it was Jewish sympathisers.

Commander Locker-Lampson

In the circumstances ought not some ex gratia payment to be made?

Mr. Silverman

In view of the fact that this property was all that these people had left in the world, do the Government really think it worth while going into fine points of individual responsibility before making good a loss which was not the fault of these people at any rate?