§ 65. Sir H. Williamsasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food why his Department authorised an advertisement which provided for the transfer of the registrations of the customers of Ernest Gould and W. H. Rollinson, of Dudley, to Messrs. Wathes, Cattell and Gurden, of Birmingham, and Messrs. Lawley Bros., of Lower Gornal, subject to the condition that customers were members of a co-operative society and have a right of appeal against their transfer, while other customers are denied this right of appeal?
§ Mr. MabaneIn cases of changes of ownership of retail milk businesses in areas where a scheme of rationalisation is in force certain transfers of consumer registration have commonly to be made. In order to meet the convenience of consumers, local officers were instructed on 30th September, 1943, to publish a notice in the local Press to inform consumers of the arrangements for the transfer of regis- 1387 rations, and it was in accordance with this general instruction that the notice to which my hon. Friend refers was published.
§ Sir H. WilliamsIs it reasonable that co-operative society members who were dealing with private firms should have privileges as compared with other people?
§ Mr. MabaneThat is not the whole of the case because, when a co-operative society buys the business of a private distributor, consumers who are not registered as members of a co-operative society may opt not to register with the co-operative society but may transfer to another private distributor, so it works both ways.