HC Deb 26 May 1943 vol 389 cc1570-1
49. Mr. Barstow

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what rate of pay it is proposed to pay local authority staff, whom it is proposed to employ in the evening after their usual work is over, for the purpose of preparing identity cards and ration books for issue; and whether such rates have been approved by the trade union concerned?

Mr. Mabane

The rates paid to local authority staff employed in the evenings in connection with the writing up of ration books in food offices, are the overtime rates of temporary clerks, Grade III, in the Civil Service. These rates were the subject of national agreement with organisations representing the staff. As an alternative, simplified flat rates have been authorised at the option of the local Food Executive Officer. These special rates have not been the subject of agreement with the staff.

Mr. Barstow

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that these rates are entirely inadequate, and that there are town clerks in the country who are refusing to apply them because of the objections of the staff to work under such rates?

Mr. Mabane

I was not aware of that. I would say that the simplified fiat rates are better than the rates about which agreement has been reached.

Mr. Barstow

Surely the rates are even lower than for unskilled labourers?

Mr. Mabane

They are the overtime rates for temporary clerks, Grade III, of the Civil Service. They were the subject of full agreement with the organisation which represents the staff.

Mr. Evelyn Walkden

Is the Parliamentary Secretary not aware that the practices obtaining in most food offices are determined by the town clerks, and that they usually relate to practices determined by the local urban district councils, who do not believe in paying any overtime to local government employees?

Mr. Mabane

I would not be able to say, because these officers are employees of the Government; they are civil servants.