§ 48. Mr. Granvilleasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware that the removal of the food office of the borough of Eye to the premises of the Hartismere Rural District has caused serious inconvenience to old people and, under a system of temporary or voluntary staffing, saves no man-power; and whether he will consider the return of the borough office to the building in which it was established originally?
§ Mr. MabaneThis amalgamation involved the moving of the Eye Food Office a distance of approximately 500 yards and ought not to be a cause of inconvenience. The amalgamation was carried out as part of the general policy of economising in man-power, premises, and expenditure by combining offices when two or more exist in one comparatively small town. The matter was carefully considered and my Noble Friend is satisfied that the final decision was right.
§ Mr. GranvilleIn view of the fact that there is a great number of complaints, not only from Eye but from the surrounding district, and that it is almost impossible for old people to get a mile and a half to this office, will the hon. Gentleman 1570 ask his Department or his regional representative to open this matter again with the Mayor and the municipal authorities?
§ Mr. MabaneI do not see how it can affect people in outlying districts. Eye has a population of 1,600 in an area of 18,000 people. I think that people in Eye are not compelled to go a mile and a half.
§ Mr. GranvilleIn view of the way the local authorities have been treated by his Department, will the hon. Gentleman ask his representative at the regional office to go into this with the Mayor and municipal authorities?
§ Mr. MabaneIn response to a letter from my hon. Friend, my Noble Friend did go into this himself in great detail.
§ Mr. GranvilleOwing to the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I shall raise this matter on the Adjournment.