§ 63. Mr. Evelyn Walkdenasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he can make any statement as to the savings in rail transport which have been effected by the Fish Zoning Scheme in recent months?
§ Mr. MabaneYes, Sir. My Noble Friend the Minister of War Transport has recently received from the Railway Executive Committee a statement giving the particulars of booked fish train mileage during the week ended 8th May, 1943, and the corresponding week in 1942. The quantity of fish landed in these two weeks was approximately the same. In the week ended 8th May, 1943, booked fish trains ran 19,598 miles; the corresponding figure for 1942 was 30,208. The decrease in 1943 was, therefore,10,610 miles or 35 per cent.
§ Mr. WalkdenWill the hon. Member convey to the Noble Lord the appreciation of his determination in sticking to the scheme against those who would like to destroy it and also thank him for delivering the goods and giving us fish?
§ Mr. MabaneI certainly will. Biscuits