§ 24. Mr. Leslie Boyceasked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is aware that airmen engaged in administrative work in the Royal Air Force whose medical category is Grade III are considered, on medical grounds alone, ineligible for a commission even when the Selection Board at the Air Ministry have found them suitable for commissioned rank; and whether he will consider amending the rule to enable commissions to be granted in such cases, and particularly where the duties would be similar to those already being performed by the airmen concerned?
§ Sir A. SinclairThe normal practice is to grant commissions only to candidates who are fit for service overseas as well as for service at home, but exceptions may be made in favour of candidates who are possessed of special qualifications. This practice is based on the view that it is not justifiable to grant the higher emoluments of an officer to an airman who for 1560 health reasons is not able to accept liability for general service or to shoulder all the responsibilities of commissioned rank. I do not consider that there is any justification for amending the present rules in this respect.