HC Deb 22 July 1943 vol 391 c1076
54. Colonel Carver

asked the Minister of Agriculture what complaints he has received from dairy farmers as to the want of cleanliness of milk churns returned empty to them from factories; and whether any Order exists compelling dairy factories to wash and sterilise churns after emptying, in order to prevent contamination in the next filling of new milk into these churns?

Mr. Hudson

Such complaints are received from time to time. I am informed, however, that there has been considerable improvement in the cleanliness of milk churns returned to producers as a result of advisory work at creameries and dairies carried out by advisory bacteriologists under the National Milk Testing and Advisory Scheme. Under the Milk and Dairies Order, 1926, buyers of milk are required to return churns to producers in a clean condition, and producers are required to ensure that milk is only put into clean containers. I have recently given publicity to this matter.

Brigadier-General Clifton Brown

Is my right hon. Friend aware that since the new milk distribution scheme came in all the churns have been in the hands of big distributors, and that the churns are very much more dirty than they used to be? Will he see that they are not cleaned out by machinery only, but, as formerly, by a man or a girl with a brush?