HC Deb 15 July 1943 vol 391 cc341-3
3. Miss Ward

asked the Minister of Labour whether he can announce the names of the No. 2 Committee, to be presided over by Lord Hankey, to deal with educational problems and the finding of employment arising out of the demobilisation of men and women from various forms of war service?

Mr. Bevin

I would refer my hon. Friend to an announcement in the Press yesterday, of which I am circulating a copy in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Miss Ward

Could my right hon. Friend tell me the names of the women members of the Committee, in view of the fact that I have had the Question on the Order Paper for a little time?

Mr. Bevin

Mrs. Mary Hamilton and the Hon. Eleanor Plumer.

Miss Ward

Am I to understand that there are only two women on that Committee?

Mr. Bevin

That is quite right.

Following is the announcement:

The Minister of Labour and National Service announces that he has appointed the following to be a Committee to consider and report upon the arrangements which should be made to facilitate the employment after the end of hostilities of men and women qualified to undertake responsible work in the professions or elsewhere, with particular reference to (a) the organisation, premises and staff of the Appointments Department of the Ministry of Labour and National Service; and (b) the arrangements which should be made for cooperation between the Appointments Department and other organisations and institutions (including professional, industrial and commercial organisations) and universities, at home and abroad:—

The Rt. Hon. Lord Hankey, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. (Chairman).

Mr. H. M. Barton, F.C.A., Vice-President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

Sir Bernard Bourdillon, G.C.M.G., K.B.E., late Governor of Nigeria.

Mr. J. T. Davis, 0 B.E., Director of the Co-operative Wholesale Society, Limited.

Mr. R. H. Dobson, Chairman of A. V. Roe & Company, Limited.

Mr. J. S. Duncan, C.B.E., Deputy High Commissioner for Australia.

Sir William Fyfe, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen.

Mrs. Mary Hamilton, Member of Royal Commission on the Civil Service, 1929–1931; former Governor of B.B.C.; Alderman, L.C.C., 1937–1940.

Mr. Clement Jones, C.B., Director of the Booth Line.

Dr. H. Lowery, Principal of the Essex Technical College, Walthamstow.

Mr. John McLean, Chairman of the Overseas Committee of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce and Honorary Treasurer of the London Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. Godfrey Mitchell, Chairman of George Winipey & Company.

The Hon. Eleanor Plumer, Principal of the Society of Home University Students, Oxford

Professor R. V. Southwell, F.R.S., Rector of the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London.

Mr. H. V. Tewson, C.B.E., Assistant General Secretary of the General Council of the Trades Union Congress.

Mr. Henry Thirkill, M.C., Master of Clare College, Cambridge.

Mr. G. W. Thomson, Association of Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen; Member of the General Council of the Trades Union Congress.

Secretaries.—Mr. H. F. Rossetti and Mr. F. M. H. Markham, Ministry of Labour and National Service, Sardinia Street, London, W.C.2, to whom all communications should be adressed.

The decision to appoint this Committee was announced in the House of Commons on 25th March last, when it was stated that it was proposed to centre in the Appointments Department of the Ministry of Labour and National Service the arrangements for assisting persons with qualifications for the higher posts in the professions, industry and commerce to find opportunities of suitable employment during the period of re-settlement after the war. As also announced in the House of Commons on 25th March, a Committee consisting of representatives of the Government Departments concerned has been appointed to ensure that the Government's educational and training arrangements are closely related to the prospect of employment at home and abroad and to secure co-ordination between the facilities to be provided outside and inside the Services.

The Governments of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa have been informed of the appointment of the Committee upon Higher Appointments and of the Interdepartmental Committee upon Further Education and Training, and have all expressed a desire to establish close contact with the work of both Committees. Arrangements for this purpose will be made in the manner which commends itself to the respective Governments. As announced above, the Government of Australia have nominated Mr. J. S. Duncan, C.B.E., to be a member of the Committee upon Higher Appointments.