HC Deb 01 July 1943 vol 390 c1784
6 Mr. De la Bère

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, arising out of the recent awards by the Central Agricultural Wages Board, he will make a statement to show in what way the Government propose to reimburse the farming industry for the additional expense which the awards will entail?

Mr. Hudson

No, Sir, I have no statement to make at the present time.

Mr. De la Bère

Surely there is a possibility of good will and good understanding in this matter. Is it not possible to reach an understanding? If factory workers can get £8 or £io a week, why cannot farm workers get £4 a week? The present' position does not seem to be right. Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind also that, if the increase is granted, farmers may have to pay out anything up to £ 4,000,000, and will he see whether some adjustment can be made?