HC Deb 16 February 1943 vol 386 cc1577-8
26. Mr. McKinlay

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that the proprietors of Rosneath Estate refuse to carry out any repairs to property and that repeated requests by occupiers are ignored; and will he take steps to ensure that production of essential foodstuffs is not retarded by their attitude?

Mr. Johnston

I am aware that there have been certain difficulties about repairs on this estate, and I am asking the agricultural executive committee for a full report on the food production aspect of the matter. When this has been received I will communicate further with my hon. Friend.

27. Mr. McKinlay

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether the name of the purchaser of the Rosneath Estate has yet been entered in the public land registers of Scotland; and, if so, whether he will give it?

Mr. Johnston

According to a disposition recorded in the Register of Sasines on 25th November, 1941, the Estate of Rosneath was purchased by Messrs. Gabriel, Wade and English, Limited, London. A further disposition recorded on 7th January, 1943, shows that this firm subsequently resold part of the estate, consisting mainly of feu duties, to the Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society, Limited, and 14 small portions have been resold to other purchasers. So far as my information goes, the remainder of the estate is still in their hands.

Mr. McKinlay

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that a gross profit has been made on this resale, and is he further aware that every local authority in Scotland is placed in the invidious position that speculators can purchase all the available land and they have no protection?

Mr. Johnston

I have no information of the amount of profit on this transaction. All I can give the hon. Member is the answer to the Question on the Paper as to what is disclosed in the public land registers.

Mr. McKinlay

Is it not a fact that these people are not interested in Scotland? It is purely a bogus speculation. Is this what the 51st Division are fighting for?

Mr. Gallacher

Will fee right hon. Gentleman put his principles in operation and sweep away this rotten traffic in land in Scotland?

Mr. Johnston

The hon. Member is perfectly well aware that we have no statutory powers to prevent the transfer of land from one person to another.

Mr. Gallacher

We will give you statutory powers.

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