§ 25. Mr. McLean Watsonasked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he can give figures showing the percentage of houses of one or two apartments in Scotland and the percentage of similar houses in England and Wales?
Mr. JohnstonThe latest complete information is contained in the Census for 1931, which showed that in Scotland the number of one and two apartment houses was 532,321 or 46.4 per cent. of all houses. The comparable figures for England and Wales at the same date were 427,314 or 4.6 per cent. of all houses.
§ Mr. BuchananIn view of that answer will the right hon. Gentleman use his influence to see that no further one or two apartment houses are built in Scotland?
Mr. McNeilDoes the right hon. Gentleman not agree, in view of these figures, 1576 that Scotland might have been given a larger share of the modified programme of housing announced last week for this year?
§ Mr. BuchananWill the right hon. Gentleman answer my question?
§ 28. Mr. McKinlayasked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether, in view of the present high building costs, it is the intention of the Government to grant increased financial assistance for the limited housing programme already announced?
Mr. JohnstonYes, Sir. As an exceptional measure and in view of the fact that building costs are higher than before the war and than they are likely to be after the war, a capital grant of £100 will be made in respect of each of the new houses to be built on Clydeside and a capital grant of £200 in respect of each of the new houses to be built in rural areas. These capital grants will be payable in addition to the annual Exchequer subsidies under the Housing (Scotland) Acts.
§ Mr. McKinlayIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that the substitution of concrete for timber floors almost absorbs the increased grant?
§ 29. Mr. Sloanasked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will undertake to find or provide housing accommodation for John Hazle, his wife and four children, who are being evicted from their house at 8, 2nd Row, Trabboch, Ayrshire, by the proprietor, Lord Talbot de Malahide?
Mr. JohnstonThe County Clerk has no knowledge of this case. If the hon. Member will let me have particulars of the circumstances, I will see what assistance I can give.
§ Mr. SloanIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that there are two empty houses in this village where this eviction is taking place, and will he undertake to requisition one of these houses for the tenant who is being put on the street?
Mr. JohnstonI would be glad if the hon. Member would give me what particulars he has in his possession.
§ Mr. McKinlayWould the right hon. Gentleman tell us to which Scottish clan this Lord Malahide belongs?