HC Deb 03 February 1943 vol 386 c886
34. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware of the American technical mission visiting Brazil to study alternative uses for surplus cocoa; and whether he will seek information as to these investigations in order to adopt any of its conclusions or proposals in respect of surplus British Colonial cocoa?

Colonel Stanley

I understand that the technical mission which visited Brazil several months ago had general terms of reference to investigate the whole of the raw materials and industrial production of Brazil. The investigation covered, amongst other things, the position of the Brazilian cocoa industry. No formal findings of this part of the Mission's report are available, but I am making inquiries about it.

Mr. Sorensen

Will the right hon. and gallant Gentleman say when these inquiries are likely to result in information which he might be able to give to the House?

Colonel Stanley

I could not possibly say.