HC Deb 16 December 1943 vol 395 c1683
43 and 44. Mr. Kirby

asked the Minister of Health (1) how many extra beds are now required in Liverpool hospitals and sanatoria to accommodate those persons known to be in need of treatment for tuberculosis and for whom accommodation cannot be found;

(2) whether, having in mind the serious shortage of accommodation for Liverpool citizens suffering from tuberculosis and in need of specialised treatment for that complaint, he will consider reinstating for this purpose all accommodation formerly used in the treatment of this disease which, owing to the war, was taken over for general and emergency purposes?

Mr. Willink

I understand that the number of tuberculosis cases in Liverpool awaiting institutional treatment is about 140. I am informed that the Corporation proposes to provide a further 100 beds at Sparrow Hall Hospital, and as stated in reply to my hon. Friend's Question on 2nd December, I have approved an extension at Fazakerley Hospital designed to provide another 48 beds. It is not practicable to restore the same accommodation for tuberculosis as there was before the emergency, but I am advised that the extra provision which I have mentioned, together with other arrangements that the Corporation has made from time to time during the war period, will bring the total accommodation for treatment of tuberculosis very close to the pre-war level.

Mr. Kirby

While thanking the right hon. and learned Gentleman for his reply. I would like to give this notice that I will raise this matter on the Adjournment at the earliest possible moment.