HC Deb 30 September 1942 vol 383 cc762-4
38. Mr. Shinwell

asked the Minister of Information whether he has any information to give hon. Members on the reception accorded in Russia to the paper, "British Ally"?

Mr. Bracken

I have received a good deal of information about the reception given to the "British Ally" in the U.S.S.R.: certainly the great bulk of it is very encouraging.

Mr. Shinwell

Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that this periodical is being received by Soviet troops with derision, and has he not seen the statement of Paul Winterton in the "News Chronicle" on the subject?

Mr. Bracken

Far from its being received with derision by Soviet troops, I have much better information, and I see that letters of congratulation have been received from many Red Army men at the front. I have seen the article b. Mr. Paul Winterton, and all I can say about Mr. Paul Winterton is that even newspaper correspondents are not infallible.

Mr. Shinwell

In view of that statement will the right hon. Gentleman allow hon. Members to see the periodical?

Mr. Bracken

It is in the Library, in Russian, so that the hon. Member can see it.

Mr. Shinwell

As my vocabulary does not reach the heights of my right hon. Friend, could he not have a translation made; otherwise, how are we to judge whether the periodical is good, bad or indifferent?

Mr. Bracken

The best method of judging that is to remember that this publication has sold out to the utter extent of the edition published, and thousands of potential readers have been disappointed. That is the best possible test.

Mr. Rhys Davies

On a point of Order. May I ask you, Mr. Speaker, whether it is proper for the right hon. Gentleman to answer my Question in answer to a supplementary question?

Mr. Thorne

Will the Minister have a translation put in the Library?

Mr. Bracken

I do not think I can go to the expense of having a translation placed in the Library. The Ministry publishes various publications, I should think in 40 or 50 foreign languages. We should have to employ many translators in order to put these translations in the Library, and as I do not think they would be extensively read, it would be a waste of public money.

Mr. Shinwell

Has the Minister himself read the publication in Russian? Does he understand it?

Mr. Bracken

No, Sir.

39. Mr. Rhys Davies

asked the Minister of Information whether he will place in the Library of the House copies of the "British Ally" published in Russia?

Mr. Bracken

Yes, Sir; the first four issues have now reached this country, and photostat copies are in the Library.