§ 29. Mr. Hutchinsonasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works and Planning, when the Final Report of Mr. Justice Uthwatt's Committee will be published; and when he will be able to state what action he proposes to take on its recommendations?
§ Mr. H. StraussThe report will be published to-morrow. In view of the complexity of the matters dealt with, the Government must carefully study both this Report and the Report of Lord Justice Scott's Committee before announcing their decisions upon them.
§ Mr. HutchinsonIs there not a risk that, before legislation can be introduced, prejudicial action may be taken by interested parties?
§ Mr. StraussLegislation will, if necessary, be made to apply to conditions as they existed at the date of publication of the Report.
§ Mr. ManderCan the hon. Gentleman give an assurance that he is just as enthusiastic and determined about this matter now as he was when on the benches behind?
§ Major LyonsCan he also give an undertaking that he will delay all these statements about post-war reconstruction?