HC Deb 14 October 1942 vol 383 c1604
6. Captain Cunningham-Reid

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the nature of the surveillance to which Prince Paul of Yugoslavia is being subjected, as a political prisoner, in Kenya?

Mr. Law

Prince Paul of Yugoslavia is required to live in a house set aside for his use by the Government of Kenya. There is a police guard and he is under the surveillance of an administrative officer who is resident in the house.

Captain Gunningham-Reid

Can my hon. Friend say whether the wife of Prince Paul is also a political prisoner, and, if not, why not?

Mr. Law

That is another question.

Mr. Kirkwood

Is it not the case that this Prince is being treated quite differently from any ordinary British or German subject?

Mr. Law

He is being treated as a political prisoner normally would be.

Captain Cunningham-Reid

In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I shall raise this matter on the Adjournment.