HC Deb 08 October 1942 vol 383 c1361
49. Mr. De la Bère

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that the largest amount of milk produced is on farms of 150 acres downwards; that dairy farmers have been officially informed that they must grow all the concentrates for their cattle as rations may not be available next year; that the farmer is out of pocket by growing these crops; and whether he will confer with the Minister of Food regarding the price of milk to the producer, with a view to full consideration being given to these facts in arriving at the final price to be fixed?

Mr. Hudson

The Government announcement on the subject of producers' prices for milk for the year 1st April, 1942, to 31st March, 1943, was made on 1st April last. The prices then announced were fixed after full consideration had been given to all the information available, including costs of production and other data obtained from dairy farms of varying sizes. I am satisfied that present prices ensure a reasonable return to producers.

Mr. De la Bère

Does my right hon. Friend not appreciate that the small daily farmer wants re-enthusing, not depressing, and does he not realise the urgent need for more milk? He will not get more milk by depressing people but by encouraging them. Perhaps he will really look into this matter with me, because I am not satisfied.