HC Deb 20 May 1942 vol 380 c222
32. Mr. J. Griffiths

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that Harrods, Limited, London S.W.I, are advertising new model luxury wireless sets at prices of 32 guineas and 59. guineas; and whether it is the policy of his Department to permit the production of such sets and the employment of valuable materials and labour thereon?

Captain Waterhouse

The attention of the Board of Trade has been drawn to this case. It is not their policy to permit the production of model luxury sets. The prices at which these sets were offered for sale are being investigated by the Central Price Regulation Committee. In the meantime, Harrods have withdrawn the sets from sale.

Mr. Griffiths

Is the Ministry taking any steps to ensure that production of these articles will cease in future?

Captain Waterhouse

Yes, we have said that it is not our policy to permit their production.

Mr. Griffiths

While I accept the hon. and gallant Member's statement that it is not the Government's policy to do so, are the Government taking steps to ensure that that policy is carried out?

Captain Waterhouse

Of course, there are certain stores of materials in the hands of some of these manufacturers, and obviously it would be ridiculous to say that they must not make up any such sets out of materials which they have in hand, but they are certainly not manufacturing these sets in the ordinary way.