HC Deb 19 May 1942 vol 380 cc32-4
63. Mr. William Brown

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is aware that there is dissatisfaction among the Maltese staffs employed in the three Service Ministries owing to the unsatisfactory war bonus arrangements, which exclude from any compensation for the increased cost of living all staffs earning more than 59s. per week; that at the Malta District Whitley Meeting, on 3rd July, 1941, the trade union representatives in the Admiralty were informed that they could not discuss questions affecting remuneration of Maltese staffs; that no reply has been received by the Executive Committee of the Civil Service Clerical Association to its urgent request, made to the Admiralty on the 26th March last, for agreement to refer the question of the appropriate war bonus for Maltese staffs to arbitration; and whether he will give instructions for this matter to be dealt with without further delay?

Captain Pilkington

Apart from the request of the Civil Service Clerical Association made on 26th March, no representations have been received about the adequacy of the increased war bonus awarded in January last to Maltese staffs employed by the three Services and by the Maltese Government. Urgent consideration was given to the Civil Service Clerical Association's request, but as the new increased bonus was awarded on the recommendation of the Governor of Malta in consultation with the local heads of the three Services, it has been necessary to consult the Governor on this further claim, and his reply is now awaited. With regard to the reference to the Malta District Whitley Committee, I cannot agree that the staff associations were so informed. I will send the hon. Member a copy of the minutes of the meeting in question containing the views expressed by the official side of the Malta District Committee on this occasion.

Mr. Brown

In view of the dangers and disabilities which the civil servants in Malta, in common with the rest of the population, are suffering, is it not the very least we can do to see that matters of this kind are dealt with with reasonable promptitude, and is a delay of six months creditable to the administration?

Captain Pilkington

I have already told the hon. Member, and if he reads, the answer he will see, that in actual fact this request was only received on 26th March. I can further assure him that all consideration is given to the people of this very heroic island.

Mr. Brown

But is the hon. and gallant Gentleman not aware that the staffs in Malta tried to raise this question in July, 1941?