HC Deb 25 March 1942 vol 378 c1988
73. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether any conditions were imposed on Mr. Bustamente before, or after, his release; whether since his release any disturbance has taken place in the local trade union movement; and what now is the position and office of Mr. Bustamente?

Mr. Harold Macmillan

Yes, Sir. Mr. Bustamente was released subject to certain restrictions on addressing and attendance at public meetings and to keeping the police informed of his address, and of his whereabouts should he leave the corporate area of Kingston and St. Andrew. He is also required to submit for censorship all matter written or supplied by him for publication. My Noble Friend has received no information as to any disturbances having taken place in the local trade union movement since Mr. Bustamente's release, nor as to what his present position and office may be.